Install Xchat (IRC Client) di Linux

Install Xchat (IRC Client) di Linux

Install Xchat (IRC Client) di Linux | 404 Not Found - Xchat ini sebenernya gak jauh beda sama mIRC yang pernah ane singgung di beberapa postingan sebelumnya, cuma Xchat ini sebutan khusus untuk pengguna di Linux. Fungsinya juga sama kok, untuk chattingan sama om dan master-master di dunia underground.

The ability to search users
The ability to see where you left off since you last visited a tab
The ability to control many settings and set colors in the UI
The ability to switch channels through tabs or the sidebar
The ability to turn on or off joining or exiting messages
Private messaging and and ability to block users
Highlights the name of your or anyone else when mentioned in a chat
Right click tab switching
It supports languages that use UTF-8 characters
A missed message count
Highlighting tabs with activity from IRC servers
Drag and drop reordering of tabs
Automatic IRC channel connecting
URL parsing and the ability to open your browser when clicked
Although Relay was built on Elementary OS it will switch the theme depending on what operating system you are using.
Click a user name to have their name placed in the text entry
Creates a datestamp every 5 minutes to give you a timeline of what has happened

Langkah-langkah untuk menginstall IRC:

  1. Buka terminal, ketikkan:
    sudo apt-get install xchat
  2. Kemudian, setelah terinstall jalankan xchat melalui terminal dengan perintah:

Download Paket IRC

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